Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology Project on Muscle-Inspired Actuators

An interdicipinary team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Ansari at ECE will develop muscle-inspired piezoelectric actuators. Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN), Micro-/Nano- Electronics and Photonics for Challenges of Global Significance, $225,000 (for 3 years), Muscle-Inspired Actuators for Multiscale Robotics (MIAMuR), PI: Azadeh Ansari, co-PIs: Sponberg, Goldman,…

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Paper on dynamics-based motion de-blurring has been published in IEEE TMECH

Michael D. Kim and Jun Ueda, Dynamics-based motion de-blurring improves the performance of optical character recognition during fast scanning of a robotic eye, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics [Link Early Access]. Abstract: This paper presents a quantitative evaluation of the dynamics-based de-blurring method using an optical character recognition (OCR) technology. Although…

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Ueda gave a plenary talk at IEEE AIM 2017, Munich

Cellular Actuators inspired by Biological Muscles, Dr.  Jun Ueda, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA Actuators are one of the key components in robotic and mechatronic systems. Motions generated by actuators enable computer-controlled systems to interact with the physical world. Inspired by unique characteristics of biological muscles, a system-level approach…

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